
Microfinance access tool for housing

Microfinance has been an effective tool to increase access to decent housing for low-income communities, where very few people are part of the formal financial system, explained Juan Mendoza, financial manager of Habitat for Humanity in the Dominican Republic. “At Habitat Dominican Republic we recognize the needs of families, and for this reason, we have
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The work of Habitat for Humanity

One of the collaborators of Habitat for Humanity, through the portal “Good Deeds Days”, shared about the work carried out by the organization at a general level and presented an impact case from the Dominican Republic. With the vision that everyone deserves a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity began work in 1976 in
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What should be considered to have a home and a suitable environment?

Decent and affordable place to call home, well built, with good public services and a decent place, always gives happiness and healthy life to the inhabitants of any place. If you wonder what should be taken into account to have a house and a suitable environment? We present it to you in 3 steps: location,
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Habitat for Humanity empowers families

For over 30 years the international non-profit organization Habitat for Humanity works to improve the living conditions of millions of families  in more than 70 countries, especially those who do not have enough income to have decent housing.   Starting from the premise that “every one deserves a decent place to live”, Habitat Dominican has sought to respond
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Boletín T1-2019

Construction Technical Assistance for Families

Technical Assistance in Construction is to accompany families with a qualified technician in the construction area, who guides them in safe procedures or self-construction building, according to the regulations in the Dominican Republic. Engineers ensure that the investment is safe, cost-minimizing risks, construction and use of materials. For the project “Building Hope Footsteps in Haina
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Boletín T1-2019

International volunteers

You can become a volunteer through our program! And it can help a family build a home and community building. It’s a great opportunity to serve the community. Work hand in hand with the family. Learn construction skills under the supervision of a professional engineer construction. Expand your prospects while helping others to build a secure future
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Boletín T1-2019

Our financial services give families access to housing

Access to financial services is very limited in emerging economies like the Dominican Republic. Most problematic is the ability to purchase, as housing is very expensive and incomes are very low. Many families living in urban areas are forced to live in conditions that are not necessarily ideal with limited services. Others move from rural areas
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Boletín T1-2019

Much more than houses

Habitat Dominican educates homeowners through financial education to ensure greater robustness in families. During this quarter, they were carried out two activities to educate 17 families on how to manage their finances. The module included lectures on family income, different types of expenses, household budget and how to define a savings plan. Most participants had not
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VPL study for disaster reduction

Visión de Primera Línea (VPL) remains as the largest independent global study on disaster risk reduction at the local level.   It is a forward-looking monitoring process that supports the approaches of the Reducción del Riesgo de Desastre (RRD) focused on people. It is intended to support the local implementation of Marco de Sendai para
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Cada familia necesita ayuda para reconstruir tras un desastre.

Habitat teaches resistant construction in the Caribbean

Spanish only Los tres grandes huracanes de 2017, Harvey, Irma y María, causaron devastación y pérdidas económicas muy superiores a temporadas ciclónicas anteriores, que el Banco Mundial ha estimado entre los USD$500 y 1000 millones al año, impactando negativamente a los habitantes de varias islas del Caribe.   La vivienda es un recurso muy vulnerable
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Through shelter, we empower Dominican families. ¡Join us!