Today more than ever we must build together, put your faith into action
Online donations make it easy!.
We invite you to donate, with your support a Dominican family can build or repair their home.
select donate Click on the icon of the bank of your choice
Copy the account number Mrs
When making your deposit or transfer write your name + your email.
We want to thank you for your solidarity
Choose one of the options that best applies to your case:
Support us with your donation Current account Popular Bank: 761971001
Habitat for Humanity International
RNC: 430092037
When making the deposit or transfer please put “Protected in the storm” + your name + your email. We want to thank you.
Ready! In this agile and simple way you can support us to build a world where each person has a decent place to live.
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Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that advocates and works for the right to decent housing and sustainable improvement of the community habitat.
We started in Dominican Republic in 1986
Individuals served since 1986
volunteers hosted in FY2023
Volunteers hours in FY2023
individuals served in FY2022
Housing solutions until 2023