Since 2012, Regional Housing Forums have become relevant spaces for multisectoral meetings, exchanges, collective construction of knowledge, articulation of experiences and political impact on housing and habitat, with a view to formulating proposals that respond to the challenges and trends in the accelerated urbanization process in Latin America and the Caribbean.
We now host the third edition of these forums under the title of III Foro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Vivienda y Hábitat “La Vivienda en el Centro de la Agenda Urbana” to take place in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) from June 12 to 14, 2018.
On this occasion, the Forum is convened by a coalition of actors that are organizing around the Urban Housing Practitioner’s Hub (UHPH) and whose conformation is led by NGOs like Habitat for Humanity, Cities Alliance, ONU-Habitat ROLAC and CAIXA Brasil. This platform seeks to contribute to the wider dissemination of innovations, experiences and practical knowledge of the region in the implementation of important international frameworks such as the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals – especially ODS11. On this occasion, the Forum and its location acquire special relevance, in the context of the disasters caused by the hurricanes and earthquakes that occurred in the countries of the Caribbean and Mexico, in September 2017, making the habitat resilience to climate change and disasters it will be one of the main thematic axes of the Forum.