Cementos Argos joins Hábitat Dominicana to add to the improvement of 10,000 homes in the country

Collaboration will be provided through the Cementos Argos Healthy Homes program.

Santo Domingo (March 2023) Firm in its conviction to contribute to the economic and social development of the country, Cementos Argos Dominicana announces the commitment to cooperate with the organization Habitat for Humanity Dominican Republic to benefit more than 400 families through its Hogares program Healthy in five years. Specifically in the Dominican Republic, Habitat’s goal is to build 10,000 concrete floors in the next five years, hand in hand with different allies and the Government.

Cementos Argos Dominicana is among the first to join the initiative in the Dominican Republic with a donation of RD$33,000,000, which will be used to replace more than 400 earthen floors with concrete, as well as improvements to walls, bathrooms and kitchens, to be carried out over the course of five years.

Healthy Homes. This program consists of intervening in homes, replacing dirt floors with concrete floors, as well as improving walls, bathrooms, and kitchens, in order to contribute to reducing the qualitative housing deficit in each country where Argos is present.

“This project aligns with our higher purpose of building housing and infrastructure works that enable sustainable, prosperous and inclusive communities. We are aware of the needs in the Dominican Republic and we ratify our commitment to its economic and social acceleration, but we cannot do it alone, that is why we join efforts with Habitat Dominicana, with whom we are sure that we will be able to bring well-being and prosperity to these families.” , comments Jorge David Pérez, general director of Cementos Argos Dominicana.

Healthy Homes is an ambitious program that transforms lives due to the great impact on the health of families and its contribution to the revitalization of the local economy, since the communities are directly involved with labor and by purchasing materials and instruments in businesses surrounding the areas.

“We thank Cementos Argos Dominicana for contributing to the goal of replacing 10,000 dirt floors with concrete for families in need in the Dominican Republic. Since 2018 we have been working together to improve the quality of life of thousands of families in our country who do not have adequate housing. We hope to continue with this alliance and manage to reduce the housing deficit in the country and empower with housing,” said Cesarina Fabián, national director.

About the Healthy Homes program

Healthy Homes is a project of the multinational Argos, which seeks to improve the housing and habitability conditions of the families close to the Argos operation in each country, through the intervention and improvement of floors, walls, bathrooms and kitchens. Currently, the company operates this initiative in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Panama and Puerto Rico.

Since 2018 Argos Dominicana and Habitat for Humanity have worked shoulder to shoulder in order to contribute to the reduction of the qualitative housing deficit in the Dominican Republic and increase the sanitation conditions of the houses in the municipality of San Gregorio de Nigua, province of San Cristobal.

About Dominican Argos

Argos Dominicana is a leading company in the production and distribution of cement and concrete backed by more than 25 years of experience in the market. Its product portfolio, in addition to the new line of ready mixes, includes cement, concrete and aggregates, through which it is an active part of the country’s economic development.

Over the years, it has left its mark on the most emblematic infrastructure projects in the territory. In the Dominican Republic, Argos has a cement plant in San Cristóbal and two concrete plants located in Santo Domingo Norte and Santo Domingo Este, which are located at strategic points in the country to comply with logistics processes that favor the industry.

About Habitat for Humanity Dominican Republic

Habitat for Humanity is a global, non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to provide every person with a decent place to live through programs focused on housing microfinance, minimizing risk, and increasing disaster response.

Habitat for Humanity Dominican Republic empowers families to create strength, stability and self-sufficiency through housing. Since the beginning of its work in 1986, the institution has carried out more than 40,328 thousand housing solutions and has impacted around 201,640 thousand people.

Habitat Dominicana contributes to the country in improving the living conditions of families that are part of the qualitative and quantitative housing deficit. This is achieved by developing programs that facilitate access to housing microfinancing for low-income families with technical assistance in construction, and by creating financial education programs that support and contribute to reducing the deficit. We empower with housing.

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