Initiative seeks to change 100 thousand dirt floors for concrete floors in Latin America and the Caribbean  

Initiative seeks to change 100 thousand dirt floors for concrete floors in Latin America and the Caribbean  

Habitat for Humanity and the Interamerican Federation of Cement (FICEM) launch initiative “100 thousand floors to play” to replace 100,000 dirt floors for concrete floors in vulnerable housings in all Latin America and the Caribbean up until 2028. At the same time, according to the need of each home, access to water and sanitation and/or improved kitchens will be made in order to generate a dignified environment for the sustainable and inclusive development of the families.  

In Latin America and the Caribbean the housing deficit affects almost 40% of the total population and approximately 6% of the homes have flooring with material predominantly made of dirt, causing serious affectations of health to the people that live in them, specially the children and mayor adults.  

Problematic. The dirt floors are characterized to be spotlights of infections of the homes since it harbors parasites, bacteria and insects that cause diarrhea, respiratory diseases, anemia, immune deficiency, malnutrition, Chagas sickness, among others; being the children the most vulnerable population to be in constant contact with the dirt as they crawl, play and walk; from the concept of using “a floor to play.” 

Changing dirt floors for concrete generates direct benefits to health to the families, this is confirmed by a study made by the World Bank and the University of California, through a study of a program made by change of dirt floors in Mexico, who analyzed the data of the improvements in health of the families.  

In children, a reduction of 70% of parasite infections was registered, as well as 49% of diarrheas and 81% of anemia, even more to increase the cognitive development of 36% to 96%. A great part, in the adults it was evidenced that an increase of 59% of the satisfaction of the housing, less depression and in a 52% and less stress in a 45%.  

Target population. The initiative “100 thousand floors to play” is directed to families across all Latin America and the Caribbean that live in:  poverty conditions, which live in houses made of bad quality materials, making them more vulnerable to the impact of climate change; with a floor which the predominantly material is the land or other in a very bad state; focusing in homes with women head of households and children smaller that 6 years of age, elderly and with people living with some disability.  

Habitat and FICEM, plan to work together at long term to help change 10 million floors up until 2050, and like this advance to the goal to eliminate concrete floors in the region.  

 “Currently we are seeking alliances in Mexico, Dominican Republic and some Central American countries so they can unite to the initial phase. We are also in negotiations to continue the alliance of Cementos Progreso in Guatemala and other countries in the region where they have presence. We are assured that to reach the construction of 100,000 floors in six years es a very ambitious goal and we will only reach it by making alliances with government, public and private sector, and so therefore we make a calling to the cement companies, government and other actors in Latin America and the Caribbean so we can change the health and quality of life of the vulnerable families.  Ernesto Castro, Area Vicepresident of Habitat for Humanity for Latin America and the Caribbean  

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